Blogging has its perks. Besides the ability to express one’s opinion in anonymity (or at least pseudo anonymity), I’ve found some little pleasures in observing visitor behaviours on this site, especially the words that have brought them here on a first time visit from search engines.
This part of WordPress that allows me to see the search engine terms that bring visitors from search engines began to amaze me when I found that at least two visits to were consequent upon the search for “gay man sex“. I’ve now tried to search for those terms myself on Google and surprisingly I didn’t end up here. So I tried for “gay man sex Illinois“. Still nothing, I’ve tried “gay man sex America“, “gay man sex travula“, and still without luck. Whomever it was who was linked to my website for searching for gay porn must have spent so much time in the search engine before my site would be eventually recommended. I’m not gay, but I’ve now deliberately searched for “gay man sex ktravula” and this site shows up finally on the results. The result was this old post in which I had mentioned the Episcopalian Churches support for homosexual and lesbian rights. I am hugely relieved.
Here are the other terms that have brought people here since this blog began. In brackets are the frequency of such search engine terms. Enjoy.
- gateway arch(13)
- tyto alba(3)
- pictures of university of ibadan(1)
- heathrow airport terminal (3)
- underground(1)
- the social gospel movement(1)
- perspective on slavery(1)
- all saints church yaba(1)
- schooling in west africa 16th century(1)
- edwardsville couger lake (1)
- uk border patrol agent(1)
- african traditional religion holydays(1)
- how do you pronounce bolanle in yoruba(1)
- fulbright flta comment(1)
- travelogue about church(1)
- postsecret at siue(1)
- sola olorunyomi(1)
- my computer bitmap(1)
- blocked head(1)
- achebe(1)
- nigerians speak british english with acc(1)
- kola tubosun travelogue(1)
- six flags(1)
- dark skin women(1)
- a picture of the cameras at six flags(1)
- “halle berry” imagesize:1280×800(1)
- gay men in robes(1)
- social gospel movements(1)
- mtn extra cool(1)
- gay man sex(1)
- gay men sex(1)
- wal-mart traffic signs(1)
- slavery times(1)
- brown university to boston airport(1)
- american autumn imagesize:1024×768(1)
- maya angelou(1)
- virginia lynn bennett(1)
- ktravula(1)
- leaving providence(1)
- mafoya(1)
Many of them amaze me, but the ones I have coloured amaze me the most. And with this post, I’m going to get more homosexual references now for sure. I’m not looking forward to that.
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