Hi Blog Readers,
- Today is Thursday, and again I’m feeling pretty useless with myself. On top of that, it is cold, and I can’t think much.
- Yesterday I received a mail from a blog reader who said she’d been reading the blog for a while without leaving comments. Here’s what else she said: “You write beautifully I have to say…”. I’m assuming that she’s female because the first name sounded female. It’s a Nigerian name which is also sometimes given to males, but my instincts on this one is that she’s female though I could be wrong… But to the sender, I say a big thank you for being there.
It was World Aids Day on the 1st of December, which was memorable for me because it reminded me of the first time I had to take an HIV test. It was just a year ago, in Nigeria, while preparing for this travel experience. Somehow, even though it was not a mandatory test, I took it, and it resulted in this short story that I wrote for an upcoming anthology. Meanwhile, another blogger, Bumight, has made a post about her recent test experience. Find it here and, if you can, take the time to vote on her blog poll. Since that last time, I have not been tested again, not because of fear, but because of time. When next I find myself in the hospital, I will do it again, and let you know how it goes.
- Still talking about HIV/AIDs, I received a pack of… listen to it… extra large condoms in the university as part of the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign on campus. The real reason why this is memorable to me is that I had no idea that there were extra-large sizes here, even though I knew in my head that there definitely must be. There was a time in the history of this travelogue where I had wanted to blog about my amazement, and disappointment, at the smallness of American condoms, and what I think it could or could not mean. I’ve since found out that it could have had to do with a particular brand, and thankfully, Chris from my linguistics class found my narration of the discovery and experience very very funny. That time has passed, however and thankfully I didn’t have to blog about it, and offend anyone. So, the first question obviously had to be: why do we have “extra-large” condoms when rubber is already known to be elastic? I cannot answer it here without exceeding my PG-13 self-censoring limit ;). But YOU can! My reckoning is that it has something to do with grip. Apparently, as I now know, all condoms too are not created equal!
- I have two assignments to do before Monday comes. One is a term paper that I must submit before I travel to Washington DC to see my close pal Mr. Barack (stop the snickering). The second is a class assignment with the same deadline. I know why I have not been motivated enough to start them, so the problem is only half solved. Let’s see what I can do as soon as I am done with this post.
- Meanwhile, I have now pulled out one of the old jokes from my inbox. It’s a poem that is both funny and stimulating. You may have to read it out loud to get the total idea. It’s titled “Eye Halve a Spelling Chequer.” I hope you enjoy it.
Eye Halve a Spelling Chequer
Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rarely ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect in it’s weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.
— Sauce unknown
I didn’t write the poem.
Rayo at http://all4words.blogspot.com
lmao hat d poem. shows dear’s only sew much your pea sea can no. my pea sea says these his wright two.
Posted at December 4, 2009 on 4:35am.
Kola Tubosun at http://www.ktravula.com
Eye arm hall sew imp pressed buy yaw come meant. Eat ease four knee inn a nighs weigh. 😉
Posted at December 4, 2009 on 9:23pm.
Yemi Adesanya at http://www.laurensonline.com
I love that “Spelling Chequer” poem, very nice.
Here is another version:
by Jerrold H Zar
I have a spelling checker.
It came with my PC.
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.
Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your sure reel glad two no.
Its vary polished in it’s weigh.
My checker tolled me sew.
A checker is a bless sing.
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
And aides me when aye rime.
Each frays come posed up on my screen
Eye trussed too be a joule.
The checker pours o’er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule.
Bee fore a veiling checker’s
Hour spelling mite decline,
And if we’re lacks oar have a laps,
We wood bee maid to wine.
Butt now bee cause my spelling
Is checked with such grate flare,
Their are know fault’s with in my cite,
Of nun eye am a wear.
Now spelling does knot phase me,
it does knot bring a tier.
My pay purrs awl due glad den
With wrapped word’s fare as hear.
To rite with care is quite a feet
Of witch won should bee proud,
And wee mussed dew the best wee can,
Sew flaw’s are knot aloud.
Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays
Such soft wear four pea seas,
And why eye brake in two averse
Buy righting want too pleas.
Posted at December 4, 2009 on 4:39am.
Kola Tubosun at http://www.ktravula.com
Thanks for this.
It’s amazing how much the poem says, without directly saying it.
Posted at December 4, 2009 on 9:18pm.
Vera Ezimora at http://www.verastic.com
I want to ask you how you found out about the very small sizes of American condoms. But I won’t ask.
I’ll just smile and wander away, thinking … this Kola guy …. LOL
Posted at December 4, 2009 on 12:56pm.
Kola Tubosun at http://www.ktravula.com
Don’t laugh Vera. If it were true, I would imagine that it must cause some people a whole lot of misery to have have to keep struggling into a size not meant for them all the time, and not being able to complain about it.
Blame my research on journalistic curiosity! 😀
At least, now you know – if you didn’t know before. Now I’ve gotta go figure out who to send them to as a prank gift.
Posted at December 4, 2009 on 9:17pm.
Clarissa at http://clarissasbox.blogspot.com/
“There was a time in the history of this travelogue where I had wanted to blog about my amazement, and disappointment, at the smallness of American condoms”
-Something tells me that after this particular comment you will not be sharing your blog with your students. 🙂 🙂
Posted at December 4, 2009 on 5:50pm.
Kola Tubosun at http://www.ktravula.com
Sigh. You might be right, but at least, now I have a good reason not to share the blog address, though I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing 🙁 I’ll tell you how it goes.
Posted at December 4, 2009 on 9:03pm.