I would have said a panda because they are beautiful but they only have sex twice a year, so that’s a no go. So maybe a tiger. Or, better yet, a shark. Because they have really huge teeth and can bite people. 🙂 🙂
I would be an eagle. Even we pray to to be like the eagle; to soar high where the eagles fly. To where we are in control of our own spirit and just be!
Clarissa at http://clarissasbox.blogspot.com
I would have said a panda because they are beautiful but they only have sex twice a year, so that’s a no go. So maybe a tiger. Or, better yet, a shark. Because they have really huge teeth and can bite people. 🙂 🙂
Posted at September 20, 2010 on 9:10am.
Kola at http://www.ktravula.com
Haha. Clarissa, you crack me up everytime.
Posted at September 20, 2010 on 9:14pm.
NakedSha at http://burntbottompot.blogspot.com/
I would be an eagle. Even we pray to to be like the eagle; to soar high where the eagles fly. To where we are in control of our own spirit and just be!
Posted at September 20, 2010 on 10:19am.
Myne Whitman at http://www.mynewhitman.com/
A tortoise, wise and long living.
Posted at September 20, 2010 on 8:24pm.
Clarissa at http://clarissasbox.blogspot.com
What a great choice! I love turtles.
Posted at September 20, 2010 on 9:06pm.
Kola at http://www.ktravula.com
I hope you love swimming too.
Posted at September 20, 2010 on 9:14pm.