Over the coming weeks, and perhaps for a longer while to come, I will be featuring Guest-Bloggers on this blog. I’ve had the idea for a while now of inviting my favourite bloggers, commenters, or just plain readers to make blog posts here about what concerns them. I like the idea of such interaction of ideas and opinions, and I hope that it will also open up new audiences both for ktravula.com and those bloggers and writers whose writing gets featured. If you are interested in being a guest-blogger on ktravula.com, let me know, send me a mail at kt@ktravula.com and surprise me with your subject of choice. There are no boundaries, I think. 🙂

On the flip side, I am guest-writing for a few blogs I like as well, so all invitations are in order. I would like to write one blogpost for any blogger who asks me to, and the topic would be any of my choice, but mostly along the ideas that I believe the readers of that blog would likely appreciate or respond to. Yesterday was my first guest-writing post, and it is was published on Clarissa’s Blog, entitled “Barking in a Foreign Language”.