Please listen to this important announcement
The management and staff of wishes to warn our numerous guests, readers, friends, foes, admirers and commenters that as from sometimes in the next few weeks, posts to this blog might become erratic due to a change of (physical, and not web) address, due to no fault of the blogger and administrators. From then as well, the blog description might undergo a slight change from “the Nigerian Ghoul in the American Forest” to something different that they still haven’t figured out yet.
So when you come here and you see a change either in colour or in form of the blog, or wait for two days without seeing a new post, please DO NOT BE ALARMED :). We are in a process of undergoing a certain transformation, the ramification of which we can not yet fathom. Please bear with us.
Temitayo at http://YourWebsite
Change is good…for America, for KTravula 😉
Posted at November 13, 2011 on 2:15am.